Each man is created in His image
And no one can ever take that away
Not even himself if he tries to destroy his visage
For it’s woven in his being destined to always stay
He can stain or contradict it
He can break or bury it
He can hate or afflict it
But it remains there in full measure
Waiting to be found like a hidden treasure
Even if he becomes wicked and vile
Filled with wretched and twisted guile
He becomes replete with sully and defiled
But just like his hidden invisible soul
There will always remain an ember glow
If he is loveless detested and completely lost
And life is worthless respectless and he’s in despair
If he is hopeless helpless and remains at a loss
But his still silent image is quietly there
So let him stretch and clutch the hands of faith
Understand his redemption lies in eternal wait
For just like matter you cannot create or eliminate
The image of G-d will always and forever be his fate