
The Process of Maturity (Part I.)

Facebook has this feature called memories which shows me my previous posts, some dating back many years when I was altogether in a different stage of my life. At times it’s a heartwarming trip down memory lane. At other times . . . Oh. My. Goodness. Some of what I wrote was outright outrageous; some were just downright inappropriate; some ridiculous (but funny!); some were just wrong; some were incriminating.

I can actually trace the trajectory of my process of maturity through the subsequent posts I wrote as I grew older. And that is something interesting to see, not to mention it is encouraging; that despite one’s coarseness, you can outgrow the most unbecoming parts of your nature.

I had the blessing of Torah to help navigate me out of the unrefined, and some darker parts of my identity. But I also had great people in my life who talked to me; argued with me; were patient with me; accepted me; were tolerant of me. They gave me their time, their ideas, their experience – they gave of themselves. These people are my family and my friends who put the lion’s share. But also so many people from so many different walks of life were there to share with me. There were Rabbi’s (I know I put you all through a lot!), teachers, friends’ parents, acquaintances, strangers, and so many more. I am I because you are you.

I want to write more on how times have changed from when I was growing up, but I’ll leave that for another post because I don’t want this message to get lost:

I love you all and I thank G-d to be so blessed to have you in my life. I needed you and you were there. And I still need you and you’re still here. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.